On magical paths

Szondi Exhibition and Tourism Center

If you want to recall the heroic age of Drégelyvár as part of an exciting program, be sure to visit the Szondi Exhibition and Tourist Center in Drégelypalánk!

The exhibition and programs of the friendly visitor’s center, enriched with interactive elements, present the heroic age of Captain Szondi in a spectacular way.
The Szondi Exhibition offers a wide variety of programs, from interactive guided tours to cannon demonstration. In the visitor’s center, you can also get information about the approach to the castle.
Parts of the center
Collection of archaeological findings
The special feature of the exhibition is a reconstructed XVII. century woman’s tomb “in situ”, with one of the most beautiful early modern woman’s headdress (socalled párta) in the Carpathian Basin. The life-size puppets show age-old Hungarian and Turkish costumes and armaments.
In the traditional room, furnished with nearly 100 years old furniture, the exhibited object can be touched, and the three-meter-wide traditional trousers can even be tried by visitors.
In the adobe-walled BARN, visitors can find the tools of everyday peasant life and work. Here is the children's favorite, a reconstruction of a working medieval cannon, but you can even make your own commemorative coin.
The award-winning film, "Legend of Szondi", perfectly evokes the heroic siege of Drégely Castle.
The "Holy grave" is an animated historical documentary short film about the history of the castle.
Both movies are not only meaningful but short (20 minutes), entertaining and exciting for children and adults alike.
• Guided tour to Drégely Castle
• Interactive guided tour
• Projection of Szondi films
• Presentation of traditional costumes and weapons
• Coin minting
• Buffet
• Information about the approach to the castle, nearby attractions, service providers, accommodation, dining options